Sunday, April 23, 2017

Getting started

So, I guess after registering for this blog in 2014 (gasp!)  I should take the plunge and write in it.  I thought it would be fun, a way to stay in touch with the many friends across the miles, etc.  Truth be told, I have been too scared to get started.  I have found a vial of courage; perhaps it will do the trick?
I was talking to the Mister tonight.  I told him, too, that I was going to give this blog thing another go.  He is, after all, the subject of my blog title.  It should probably be titled, "Hey Rocky! Want to see me pull a rabbit out of this hat?"  That is how I genuinely feel when trying a new project, recipe, or adventure.  Thankfully, most of our luck has been rabbits, but I'll be honest, I don't know how they get there.  

So, if you're here for the show, please enjoy!


  1. You GO, girl, and keep pulling out rabbits and make them into gorgeous cards!

  2. Yay! I wish you nothing but luck and fun with your blog!!
