Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Home Stretch!

It is hard to believe that just 4 years ago, we were waiting to hear when T would get picked up for Gunsmithing school.  Also hard to believe he has less than 7 weeks of his 16 months left until he earns his certification.  It has been a lot of hard work and a lot of travel, but it will definitely be worth it in the end.  

He is working on his final projects and for the first time in this experience, he is feeling the time crunch.  I am so proud of his dedication to making the very best of this opportunity, even if it means I mow a hell of a lot of grass.  

I asked him to share some photos of one of his projects.  This one is special.  In December of 2015, just a week before Christmas, my Dad left the farm early to go home and change clothes for his dental appointment.  It was very fortunate he did as when he arrived, the house was on fire.  He called the Fire Department and they were able to put out the fire that was contained to the master bedroom. By the grace of God, it was smoldering but had not managed to travel to the rest of the house. 

He had a couple guns damaged in the fire.  They would need to have new stocks and be cleaned up in general.  When T started school, the remains of these guns went along with him.

Through the course of his training, he has had the opportunity to learn the techniques of blueing barrels and other metal parts.  He also had a semester in stock making and has been machining things all along the way.  

It was awesome to see my Dad's face when Todd was able to give him the rifle pictured both above and below.

I can't wait to share more of his portfolio once it is complete.  

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